A Beautiful Bob Dylan Blog
Here is a Bob Dylan blog, from someone in Spain, with beautiful photos and accompanying poetry and prose. It is in Spanish by the way, but well worth perusing.
Here is a Bob Dylan blog, from someone in Spain, with beautiful photos and accompanying poetry and prose. It is in Spanish by the way, but well worth perusing.
I bought Live at the Gaslight 1962 as soon as it was available in Starbucks. Then I bought the No Direction Home soundtrack set as soon as it came out. I have been listening to nothing else in my car the whole time, except for the times when my wife insists on listening to one of her CD’s of Cantonese ballads. Last Sunday, the whole family was about to go somewhere. I got in the car before my wife and got Mr. Dylan on the CD player before my wife could ask for her Chinese music.
My wife and I have always liked the music of Sade.